Mama's Boy

Harry was a child. He wasn't really cognizant of that, mostly that it was dark and he was cold and a big bright light had scared him. Big people had left him outside cuddled up in a blanket and left and he was confused. His nose crinkled as he fussed and he was about to start crying when a large shape flew over him, casting a shadow that blanketed him. 2 more shapes broke off from the large one as it circled over him. One came down to him, a pretty scaly thing that looked like the drag ons that flew on the walls in his room.


Even at the age of 6, Xari knew he was different from his brothers, Xilyl and Sicsi. They were larger than him and ate much more meat than he could stomach and had the prettiest scales and almost always beat him when they wrestled. He was soft and smaller, his claws were thin, his paws were covered in thick dark skin from walking all fours and he had no scales to speak off, just long fur on his head and eyes just like mama.

Chapter One * Chapter Two * Chapter Three * Chapter Four *